PureCrop NanoTech: The Power Behind Our Products

Grow with Confidence

PureCrop NanoTech:

The Power Behind our Products

Dig deeper into the science that powers all of our products.

What is PureCrop Tech?

PureCrop Nanotech. It’s the driving force behind every product offered by West Coast Ag Products—and it’s what makes our products so unique and effective. It is the concentrated solution at the base of all our products that delivers its benefits by working with the plants’ natural electrical systems. This unique electrical property helps our products to work in harmony with nature. The benefit of measuring at the nano-level means our products can deliver their benefits to each individual cell in the plant. We use PureCrop Nanotech in every one of our products because it allows them to deliver inputs more effectively than any other product on the market today.

Table of Contents

Benefits of “Powered by PureCrop NanoTech”

Our colloidal micelle nanotechnology sets us apart from the competitors and gives our products their competitive edge.

  • Our micelle measures ~1 nanometers wide, in comparison a plant cell wall is between 10,000 – 100,000 nanometers!
  • This is small enough for the micelle to slip through the walls of plant cells, allowing the plant to absorb it directly
  • There are 2 ways the nanoparticle travels through the cell wall of plant:
    • The cell wall of the plant is a complex matrix, where only a few materials pass through the plant cell. Upon proceeding through the apoplastic pathway, NPs passing through these pores diffuse between the cell membrane and the plasma membrane and are subjected to osmotic pressure. Many types of NPs reach the endodermis, the symplastic pathway allowing the entry of nanoparticles through the innards of the plasma membrane; this pathway is more important than the apoplastic pathway.
  • Using materials made from plants and organic matter reduces abiotic stress that can be caused by synthetic chemicals.
  • Organic material is widely accepted and utilized by the plant compared to synthetic material.
  • Naturally biodegrades after 7 – 10 days of application, leaving the environment unaffected.
  • PureCrop NanoTech offers a wide range of chemical compatibility with broad use across the pH spectrum.
  • Our colloidal micelle is zwitterionic. It has a net formal charge of zero, but negative and positive formal charges on individual atoms within its structure.
  • It is a “Supramolecular surfactant”, a self assembling cluster of surfactant molecules.


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How small is this nanoparticle?

Size is what sets us apart. Our nano-micelle is so small that it’s 2,500,00x smaller than a large water droplet.

*average micelle is 1-4 nanometers

Colloidal Micelle

Size is what sets us apart. Our nano-micelle is so small that it’s smaller than a large water droplet.

*average micelle is 1-4 nanometers


[Nutrients or other products]

Hydrophobic Tail

[Negative charge]

Hydrophilic Head

 [Positive charge] 

  • Micelle Molecule

    The micelle is a molecule composed of phospholipids that are formed by the combination of fatty acids derived from corn and soybean oil. The hydrophobic tail of the fatty acid and the hydrophilic phosphate head of the phospholipid form together to create a spherical structure that is suspended in water, rather than separating like traditional oils do.

  • Molecule Size

    The dimensions of an individual micelle range from 1 to 4 nanometers, which is equivalent to one billionth of a meter. In comparison to the micelle, 440 Oil has a size that is 23% greater. It is worth noting that the tip of a ballpoint pen can accommodate one billion micelles.

  • Encapsulation Properties

    Colloidal micelles possess the ability to encapsulate and transport a variety of both polar and non-polar particles, including nutrients and other products, effectively serving as a stable medium for their transportation within the plant. Furthermore, their small size allows them to be easily consumed by the plant, without blocking the stomata, leading to more efficient delivery of the encapsulated particles.

Products that use "PureCrop NanoTech"

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