How to Boost Your Wine Grape’s Brix Levels | 5 Tips

What are Brix levels?

Brix levels are the measure of the amount of sugar in the plant sap. If your plant is looking a little wilted, low Brix levels could be the culprit. ‘Brix’ stands for Balling Relative Intensity Index. If your plant has low Brix levels it means they’re not getting enough nutrition from its roots.

5 tips To Increase Brix Levels


Cultivating Wine Grapes

When it comes to cultivating wine grapes, vineyard owners are always looking for new ways to increase their Brix levels, size, and quality of their fruit. Vineyard owners can add several different minerals and nutrients to help the grapevine produce higher-quality fruit. A common method is to apply potassium and phosphorus to maturing grapes to help with fruit development.

PureCrop1 Wine Grape Brix Analysis

The following results are from a single application of PureCrop1 on Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot wine grapes two weeks before harvest by a Washington State Viticulturist. One spray at 1%, two weeks before harvest, showed a significant increase in Brix levels. The bar on the right shows grape blocks sprayed with 1% PureCrop1, mixed with 4-lbs of Mora Leaf P&K (potassium & phosphorus). We formulate PureCrop1 using long-chain fatty acids that metabolize into hormones for stress response and growth regulation which help increase Brix.

Check out the full study here

The importance of Phosphorus

Phosphorus affects yield directly because it is the central component of energy required during the metabolism and transportation of photosynthetic products. Using a phosphorus fertilizer increases wine grape berry setting and overall crop yield.

The importance of potassium

Potassium also has a notable effect on the total acidity, helping to neutralize acids and control the grape juice’s acidity. There is a strong relationship between potassium and pH. An excess of potassium results in a high wine pH and more inferior quality wine. Excessive potassium can increase grape pH, which influences the anthocyanins, reducing the intensity of the red coloration.

This trial concludes that PureCrop1 doubled the power of Mora Leaf P&K after one single application. Further, the results reveal PureCrop1 to be effective as a standalone product to help increase overall Brix levels. To maximize your next yield, supplement PureCrop1 to your program and unlock your products’ full potential while getting a biostimulant boost!

PureCrop1 dilution recommendations

  • In the conventional agriculture space, we suggest using a 0.75% dilution rate of PureCrop every 7-12 days as a preventative. If you are experiencing an infestation, increase the dilution rate to 1.5% and also increase frequency.

PureCrop1 is not a “one-and-done” type of spray typical to conventional chemical treatments. Much of PureCrop1’s chemistry occurs on the microscopic level, making it difficult to observe in real-time. However, you should see a noticeable difference in your plant with consistent coverage after your first few sprays.

To learn more about Brix levels check out WineMaker Mag’sUnderstanding Brix Readings”

Don’t leave your crops to chance. Protect with PureCrop1.

For questions specific to your particular crop or issue, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone (707) 621-8939 or email.

To learn more check out our PureCrop1 Studies & Trials!

Tags :
Brix,  Grapes

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