Study: Honey bee Toxicity

Test Date: 9/14/2021
Location: Sugar Land, TX

The objective of this study was to assess the acute contact toxicity potential of the test substance, PureCrop1, when administered topically to adult worker honeybees in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention Guideline 850.3020.

Treatment Rates & Methods

With a target dose rate of 12.5 μg/mL, a dose amount of 2 μL per bee and a Sponsor provided active ingredient concentration of 15% (15 g a.i. / 100 mL), the amount of test substance required for 10 mL of solution was determined to be 0.833 mL.

Approximately 0.833 mL of the test substance was placed in a 10 mL container and brought to volume with the vehicle to make a 12.5 μg a.i./μL solution (6.6% PureCrop1 dilution). 

A single dose of the test substance, the vehicle, or the positive control was applied to each bee's thorax via a micro applicator. All bees were dosed topically on the dorsal side of their thorax with 2 μL of the appropriate solution. 

Honey Bee Study chart

All bees were observed at approximately 4, 24, and 48 hours after dosing for mortality and clinical signs of toxicity, particularly signs of intoxication (ataxia, lethargy, hypersensitivity, etc.). 

Results were evaluated by comparing mortality between the treated and untreated control groups. 

Study Conclusions

In a 48-hour acute contact toxicity study, adult worker honeybees, Apis mellifera, were exposed to the test substance, PureCrop1, by direct topical application to their thorax at the nominal dose of 25 μg a.i./bee. 

The test substance solution was individually administered to 100 bees as a single topical dose of 25 μg a.i ./bee. 

The bees were observed for mortality and clinical signs of toxicity at 4, 24, and 48 hours post-dose. Therefore, based on these test results, PureCrop1 is nontoxic to honey bees when used as directed.

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Bee Study

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Honey Bee Study-1-2

Suggested Dilution Rates (For Most Crops) 

PureCrop1 is not a "one-and-done" type of spray typical to conventional chemical treatments. Much of PureCrop1's chemistry occurs on the microscopic level, making it difficult to observe in real-time. However, you should see a noticeable difference in your plant with consistent coverage after your first few sprays.

Preventative Treatment

Use a dilution of 0.75% v/v rate of PureCrop1 once a week.

Curative Treatment

Use a dilution of 1.5% v/v rate until control. Use 1.5% for the first couple sprays if new to PureCrop1.

*Frequency and dilution rates depend on the variation in crops, growing methods, climate, and geography. Adjust your IPM process based on your specific needs.