Request a trial of our products by submitting the form below. Once submitted, a member of our team will get back to you within 24-to-48 hours (business days)

How much product can I try?

Our sales team will determine with you the appropriate trial size. We suggest at least 1 acre.

Am I required to buy product afterwords?

A purchase is not required to request a trial.

In what regions do you conduct trials?

We conduct requested trials across the United States. 

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PureCrop1: The Ultimate Organic Solution for Hydroponic & Home Growers
Home Gardening

PureCrop1: The Ultimate Organic Solution for Hydroponic & Home Growers

Are you struggling with pests, mold, or mildew in your grow? PureCrop1 offers an innovative, all-in-one organic solution that not only eliminates...

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Managing Citrus Thrips

Managing Citrus Thrips

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Transform Your Tank Mix with NanoCrop: The Ultimate Adjuvant Solution
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Transform Your Tank Mix with NanoCrop: The Ultimate Adjuvant Solution

In the dynamic world of agriculture, every drop matters—especially when it comes to your tank mix. At West Coast Ag Products, we're dedicated to...

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